True Anal Only

Hey Everyone. Hope you’re all well. Im dealing with the fires here in LA. I’ve been in many AO relationships. Most partners eventually want their pussy used :face_vomiting:. I refuse. Haha. The more and more I’m living the AOL I’m craving a true AO situation. No pussy use. No cock use. Both belted or caged. We fuck with straps or fists. Both our pleasure comes anal. Has anyone lived this. I’ve done it for periods but the longer I’m caged the more i crave this.

Welcome to the forum!
I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone doing AO the way you do, or of anyone wanting it this way.
Have you always wanted to be that exclusive, and if not, how did that desire develop?
Have a good time here!

Thanks for the kind welcome.

It’s just something that has been creeping into my mind. I have done in doses but i revert back to using my cock to fuck her. I love my ass eaten and pegged so it was more of a challenge to see how long we could go. It just became addicting. That’s why I was wondering if anyone had heard of that.

I remember on the old forum there was a woman who wanted this kind of pure AO life with her husband. I can’t remember if she succeded, though.

Welcome to the forum and keep talking about your disires. Maybe the right woman will cross hour path someday.

I think some fantasies may also stay just that.
Or, if your gf enjoyed what you did, it could happen again, go on for longer, etc… You might just transition grasually into your dream sex life.

If I’ve learned one thing hanging out here, and in my own sex life as well, your perfect partner doesn’t fall into your lap. People far more often build relationships based on trust and exploration, and often end up where they want to eventually.

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Mrs Colt and I are living proof of the point you made. A life of learning and loving each other lead to an anal only sex life. As you suggest, it developed over time.

Welcome to our forum. Your experience is new to me but if it brings you pleasure then enjoy. Having a partner who shares a passion for anal only sex is a gift. Join in and have fun. If you have nay questions, there is bound to be someone here who can help.

Thanks for all the replies. Happy to be part of this group.

Got back into my house today. Didn’t burn thank God. I’m one of the lucky ones.

Hope you’re all well


Glad you’re back in your home. Such a horrible situation for so many in the Los Angeles area.