The software behind this site is terrific!

Over the years I have participated many website-based discussion forums on a wide range of subjects, and I have even hosted a couple myself (a long time ago).

This forum’s features and operation are by far the best I have ever encountered. Other than my post about “pasting as plain text”, this site has been perfect (I had been lurking since about the time this new site was started).

Kudos to whomever made the choice of the software to use, decided on the various settings being used, etc. Terrific job!


I was impressed, too, when I joined!
I thought forums in general weren’t really used anymore, and social media was where it was all at now. This tech is leaps and bounds beyond what I grew up with, and it makes sense the tech was worked on, considering the dark forest hypothesis applied to the internet.

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It is great to hear that you are enjoying the platform! Knowing that it provides such a positive experience for you is really rewarding.

I have considered many options when setting up this site. Something modern and user friendly, but also something I would be willing to modify or develop plugins for. In the end I chose Discourse. And so far I am very happy with it too. If I had to choose again, I would definitely go with it.

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