We’ve been happily anal only for over 3 years now. For both of us it is the absolute best way to live together.
I formulated my feelings about anal to her last night. It makes me feel empowered and priviledged at the same time. I always appreciate this amazing gift she gives me, and meanwhile feel powerfull for having the uppertunity to use her asshole whenever I feel like it.
For me it’s a jumble of positive feelings. The word “release” comes to mind. I just get this deep sense of release, like I can finally just relax and surrender to the physical feeling. I can feel every last inch of him, which is a lovely. I also get this feeling of control and I think it’s because I can feel him so well and if we’re having anal sex, I’m 100% in that headspace. I think because of my past abuse and the ever present risk of pregnancy, anything involving vaginal is complicated and it’s still more of a struggle to stay in an aroused, sexual frame of mind when my first instinct is to dissociate (and then I have to actively and intentionally focus and pay attention to what’s going on) and then my second instinct is to make super sure we don’t get carried away and I don’t end up pregnant. I don’t have any of that with anal. It’s just pure pleasure, sensuality, and arousal. No strings attached. And I feel so much more cared for and attended during and afterwards too.
I really get it why a woman, who got abused, can get detached from her vagina and choose anal sex as their main sexual joy. It the sexual entrance you emotionally chose to give to that man.
For us it’s all about the intimacy and intensity of our orgasms… her anal orgasms and my powerful orgasms knowing I made her cum. She never experienced orgasm during decades of vaginal penetration so it was an incredible discovery when she realized she could orgasm anally. It was a life changing discovery. Like you, we also enjoy the cuddling and affection post sec as well.
It’s been a life changing discovery for us as well. She regrets not being open to it earlier in our relationship but I love the fact we discovered it later in life. No regrets.
The imagination is a powerful substitute. I wouldn’t trade it for the real thing, but imagination certainly helped get me by until Mrs Colt discovered she loves anal as much as I do.
I know you no longer watch porn but if or when you do, amateur anal porn is the closest representation of the real thing.
Your participation in this group will help you prepare for when the opportunity to experience anal with a woman presents itself. I hope that happens for you.
Anal is like nothing else. The intimacy, the sensations, the thrills and the pleasure for everyone. Its a win win. The intense feeling of being stuffed is so satisfying. Yes I enjoy pushing myself to the limits at times but also the connection I get with my boyfriend plus he enjoys it so much. Bonus