Is there a difference in meaning between anal sex or sodomy?

In the old days, when looking for anal sex, the term “sodomy” was often used. I know it originates from Sodom and Gomorra tales, where anal sex was the norm.

But seems to me the term “sodomy” is more negatively charged. Like it adresses to more forced assfucks. I can’t remember seeing sodomy being used in a romantic sence.

So what do other forum members think ? Would you consider sodomy just the same as an assfuck or does it have another meaning ?


I used to see it on tube sites quite a bit as a synonym for “ass fuck”. “Cute red head sodomized” or something along those lines.

In the US, there used to be sodomy laws, so I think it’s slightly more of a legal term, and less cutesy than “buggered” in the UK. But I’m not a native speaker, so perhaps any brits could weigh in on how the term sounds to them. Or perhaps a hedgehog :wink:

I’d agree that due to its legal use, I.e. “anti-sodomy laws” it’s the most likely explanation for the more negative association.

Sodomy historically has meant any non-reproductive sexual intercourse, which anal sex will fall under.

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Right. In Germany, for example, the term refers to sexual acts done to animals.

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As a point of interest, in my religious circles, I’ve heard the term used a couple different ways. Primarily to describe gay male/male sex, but I’ve also heard it used with connotations of any male getting penetrated in any way by anyone including themselves (so some view anal masturbation as self sodomy), and some will lump hetero anal sex into the sodomy category. The last two views are more fringe and somewhat extreme (and in my opinion are based in terrible scholarship as I see zero backing from Scripture or the dictionary to support either view).

Personally, I think it’s most accurately defined as male/male anal sex and with connotations of coercion/force behind it, if we’re going strictly off the account in Genesis. The guys at the door weren’t cordially inviting them to an orgy, they were demanding a very much nonconsensual gang rape. But I really couldn’t say one way or the other what the legal term encompasses.

It’s basically been a grab-bag of “things people do to have fun we publically don’t approve of” for law makers and the public:

Sodomy (/ˈsɒdəmi/), also called buggery in British English, generally
refers to either anal sex (but occasionally also oral sex) between people, or
any sexual activity between a human and another animal (bestiality). It
may also mean any non-procreative sexual activity (including manual sex).
[1][2][3][4] Originally the term sodomy, which is derived from the story of
Sodom and Gomorrah in the Book of Genesis,[5][6] was commonly
restricted to homosexual anal sex.[7][8] Sodomy laws in many countries
criminalized the behavior.[8] In the Western world, many of these laws
have been overturned or are routinely not enforced.[9] A person who
practices sodomy is sometimes referred to as a sodomite, a pejorative
(Taken from the wikipedia)

What I find fascinating, when we look at the biblical source, how puritans took the whole “anal” part and decided that was a no-no and ignored the part with the gang rape.
I’ve also read an interesting interpretation of the whole alleged law against men having sex with men in the bible, which seems, from the terms used and the position among the laws, much more likey to say “men shouldn’t have sex with underage boys”.

The puritans are not my favorite school of theological thought. For a myriad of reasons. And I’ll leave it there as this isn’t a theology forum. :sweat_smile: But they did seem to enjoy making everything wrong! Especially things not mentioned as wrong, and if they weren’t doing that, they were telling themselves they were still sinning even when engaging in holy activities with piety and the Holy Spirit. :roll_eyes: Needless to say (but I’ll say it anyway) I don’t take their opinions as Gospel truth.

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It’s not a theology board, yes :smiley: And I’d like to add that when I said “puritans” I didn’t mean any concrete theological group, just, as merriam webster says: “one who practices or preaches a more rigorous or professedly purer moral code than that which prevails”.

I enjoy oral sex more regularly than anal. Does that mean I’m sodomised on almost a daily basis? Love it!

I read an article about Ireland during the 19th Centaury. The population was growing faster than ever. Bearing in mind it was a staunchly Catholic country which probably explains that! Prior to ‘Natural Family Planning’ there were stories of people being encouraged to use anal sex to reduce birth rates. Of course the peasants weren’t afforded this option!!

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I regret to inform you that you are in fact a sodomite, welcome to the club. :grin:

As are the vast majority of people who are sexually active. Oral sex is pretty much a ubiquitous sexual activity and anal sex is common enough.

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Yippee my boyfriend will be so proud. I’ll have fun trying to be a better sodomite/

Ha ha, I have heard the comparison from my American friends that Australians should consider themselves lucky they got the convicts, because America got the puritans!


A few weeks ago I looked over my shoulder and asked him to sodomise my ass. Just for fun you understand although I’m not sure I used the term correctly!

I’m sure he did the right thing!

Sodomy, as already mentioned above, includes almost any kind of sex that is non-vaginal, so if he just fucked your arse that would have been sodomy. If he put a finger or a dildo up there that would also be sodomy also. So your use of the term was correct. Though sodomy includes cock sucking too, and I think that makes ATM the king of sodomies!

Sodomy, was an old common law crime, most often used to convict homosexuals but back in the 80-90s most common law jurisdictions passed sodomy decriminalisation laws to take it off the books. That term is no longer used in legislation, sexual acts tend to be described more specifically now in the criminal codes - and the offences arise due to non-consent, under age, or lack of mental capacity.

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Thanks for that. i had a feeling it was in the correct context. If ATM is King then then I’m buying myself a crown lol