If she does ass to mouth, and loves it, wife her!

A few weeks back the idea re-emerged in my head what I was thinking about years ago.

“If I find a woman who loves having her ass fucked, I should marry her”

As a man, I don’t see any advantage in marriage these days. So I held off this idea really strong for some years. Meanwhile we are together for 3,5 years and she is still my absolute dream woman. And not only does she love having her ass fucked, she’s also an ass to mouth entousiast who really enjoys taking my cock from her ass to her mouth whenever possible.

So a few days back, while assfucking her (seemed like the best moment), I asked her if she wanted to marry me. It was endeering how she got all confused, then emotional when she realized I meant it. She said yes, cried from joy, hugged en kissed me. All while I kept fucking her asshole. Beats going on one knee, believe me.

So I did it. I asked the woman of my dreams to marry me, this will be the third marriage for the both of us. People will declare us as crazy I think. But sometimes you decide things without any care what people might think :man_shrugging:t2:

I just know I really want to keep having lots of ass to mouth sex with this amazing woman, preferable till we die. The connection I have with her is of a level I didn’t deem possible. She sucks my cock in a way I couldn’t even have imagined and her asshole is the absolute best fuckhole I’ve ever used and enjoyed.

After the emotion of the moment faded a bit, I resumed the assfuck and did a short ass to pussy part to make sure this was going to be a very special moment where all three holes had been used. I was in her pussy for less then a minute, but this time it felt enjoyable. Switching back to her eager asshole, though, felt like coming home.


I do ATM and there is no ring going on my finger for a long time!

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So if your boyfriend asks you, you say no ? :sweat_smile:

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I enjoy anal sex and ass to mouth is part of that because I insist on him finishing in my mouth. My boyfriend and I have no plans to get married. If he asked me I would probably say yeas after laughing for about 20 minutes and ask 50 times if he was taking the piss!!


Its not our plan for the next couple of years however if he did he would find himself on the wrong side of a shoulder throw lol. Only kidding! I would ‘distract’ him then hopefully he would have forgotten he asked in the first place :smiley: :smile:


She knows shoulder throws and loves anal in all its variants! I’d say he should wife you, but hey, that’s what this whole discussion is about :laughing:


He’s not brave enough to try something that silly!!

I see! So if anyone’s gonna propose, it’s Abbi :smiley:

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Or perhaps … conquer, instead of propose? Either way, no judgement :wink:

Ha ha not going to happen. I’m 19 years old, no ring going on my finger!

To each their own.

My girlfriend had been married twice, two times not out of pure choice. More out of neccessity.

I’ve been married twice. First time for financial reasons, second time because I let myself be manipulated in believing the relationship would improve if I’d marry her. She lied.

So we both are about to marry for the third time. But this time it’s because we want to commit the rest of our lives together as an ass to mouth only married couple. Our relationship doesn’t need improvement, we adore eachother always. We simply see the romance of marrying eachother. :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I hope it’s clear I’m only teasing!

No matter your age, no matter who asks, no one is under any obligation to get married.

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I’m not the first girl did atm to my husband. lucky that he didn’t marry others before me.
I also got proposed when he was fucking my ass. that day he was fucking me from behind, showed the ring next to my face and asked. how could I refuse when his cock was right in my ass. then he paused, put the ring on me, and continued the fuck.


Now that’s old school romance :slight_smile:

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Omg that is beautiful. Did you get it on camera to show at the wedding??


It’s recorded for sure, but we’d like to keep sex in private. but imaging it, in front all family members, friends, and even people I barely know, to play a video of me being fucked in ass, it’s so humiliating and so hot.


Privacy is very important when it comes to images or videos. We considered doing Only Fans bot decided against it!

This is a funny typo.

It’s like the bot was against an only fans. A bot with common sence. Who would have expected that ? :rofl:

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:rofl: I haven’t slept in nearly 21 hours. My bed will be such a good friend in the next hour or so!

So people, this year we plan to do our legal wedding and we want to do it on the date we had our first anal sex in 2021. Because it was such a beautiful moment, enjoying anal sex in the best possible way after a few months of only vaginal and blowjobs.

We will always remember our first assfuck and how she said right after “why didn’t we do this sooner?”

Just 20 mins ago she showed me the white, tight dress, she bought for this legal marriage event. It has some nice cleavage and her nipples slightly shine through. She will probably wear nipple covers, but I would live it if she just showed off her beautiful boobs. Well, I can dream :sweat_smile:

She is a very sexy woman with an amazingly hot body. Tight is how her dresses should always be. Without underwear and plugged for later use of her sweet asshole. Ooh, and heels of course :relieved::point_up:t2: