I was on the old forum talking to myself!

There I was on the old forum thinking I wonder if anyone has replied to any of my posts! To be fair I’m not the only one, but eventually I found the thread about this new forum.

I tend to blurt out my life story in response to things others say. So here is my anal history in 2 parts:

Part 1

I want to answer something that happened in the past that actually had a huge influence on my approach towards anal sex with a new woman.

So I met a woman once and we hit it off great. She was single for 5 years prior to meeting me, so she was horny all the time. Sex was good, not mindblowing, but better then with my wife of 23 years prior.

After only 3 weeks she asked me, with a detour, if I wanted to use “her other hole”. I was totally blown away that she asked for anal. I felt like I was a winner here.

We started anal sex shortly after and she loved it. She said things like feeling shivers down her spine while I assfucked her. In the next 2 years or so, I assfucked her 2-3 tiles a week and she was never giving me a hard time about it. Period week, for example, was our anal week. Or, like she said it “other hole week”.

3 years into the relationship, meanwhile I married her. We were on vacation and had anal sex there. On our way home, in the car, she suddenly starts a rant concluding I raped her ass because her pussy clearly wasn’t good enough for me (the vacation was during her periods, so it was anal week anyway)

Not long after that everything went sideways and she divorced. But her blaming me that I raped her asshole, was something I had a hard time shaking off.

It kept me from wanting anal with my current wife right away. It made me over cautious, while the new woman wanted me up her ass the first date.

It took me months to gather the nerve to tel her I wanted to assfuck her.

That sounds like bipolar behaviour.

I had a girlfriend that was bipolar (manic depression was the old term), she was the one that introduced me to anal sex. I mean real anal sex. I tried it once at the urging of a girlfriend and we were both clueless and had no lube but pushed on anyway. I ended up with abrasions on my cock and found it less than enjoyable and never pursued it again. Anyway, this new girlfriend kept asking me things like “why do all you men want anal?”

Then she would say most gay men don’t have sex because they can’t fit the cock up their arse, which I found a little hard to believe. Then one day she said to me she reckoned my cock would fit in her arse. She’d often bring up these anal “thoughts” during foreplay and I’d promise her I’d fuck her arse as soon as I finished fucking her cunt or after she’d blown me but every time after I came I no longer had the urge to do it, though I must say the idea of anal was now arousing me even more during normal sex and probably making the orgasm more intense or sooner.

Part of the reason I didn’t follow through was my own Catholic upbringing. I felt a bit shameful and guilty for being so lustful - not even about anal but all of it. I was having too good a time with her. The sex was frenetic and constant and at times very spontaneous, like the time she gave me a head job outside the restaurant we’d just dined at, on a busy street in Sydney. I mean I felt shame and guilt just for enjoying a good head job! Such was my innocence.

I’d only ever had 16 women in my life that I’d slept with, a colleague in NYC laughed out loud at that number. He said it was unexpected, I think he meant with my looks there should have been hundreds. Whatever my looks are though I was not built and conditioned that way. I had plenty of friends who told outrageous lies just to get into a girls pants, but that wasn’t me. They didn’t care, they just wanted sex. To me sex was between people who loved each other, and so in my little Catholic way, every relationship’s logical goal was to end in marriage and more little Catholics!

She slowly stripped away my guilt and my shame and worked on raising my lust to a height where they couldn’t compete. You may have heard the expression “a rising prick knows no conscience.” Well that was slowly becoming me. We had a few moments here and there where I may have just put it in but with no lube or preparation I retreated back to her pussy, probably to her disappointment. Then one day, it was her birthday, I wholeheartedly fucked her arse properly, after we came home from a celebration dinner. A couple of days before, she’d had an issue with her pussy and had been to the gynocologist and had been to day surgery and had a curette, so her pussy was off limits.

We were both drunk, and it was long ago now, but I recall having her completely naked on the kitchen floor, I think I was too! I had her on her hands and knees and I was fingering her arse and I was doing it without shame or guilt and I was as horny as hell. A full head of lust! I was enjoying the anatomically detailed view and playing with her arsehole and she was really enjoying it. I used some olive oil and massaged and fingered it into her arsehole. She was just groaning and I smeared my cock with it too. I just remember sticking my cock up her arse and gave her a decent assfucking while I gently fingered and massaged her clit. I thought that would help (I’ve seen enough porn to know it helps a lot now!). She was grunting and groaning softly as I fucked her arse. She seemed let out a final decent grunt and appeared to smile. Then she didn’t make much more noise as I continued thrusting for another 3 or 4 minutes before I came up her arse. I remember pumping all the sperm I had as firmly as I could to empty the contents of my balls up her arse, and it was done. My first real anal fuck!

On the question of consent, which is the central issue in rape. I have no doubt this was consensual sex, we both seemed to be enjoying ourselves every step of the way. The next day, she asked me what we did and when I told her she thanked me for not using her pussy. I said, anytime and we’ll do it again tonight and that night we did it again, a couple of times! I think it’s fair to say she had a lot more anal experience than I had because when I got her naked that night and said “spread your arse open” she got into that arse up high, head down position. I should have got up and mounted her pushing my cock down into her arsehole to get very deep. I think that is what she wanted but I wasn’t familiar with that position and instead got her on her hand and knees so I could fuck her arse from the kneeling position (kneeling is preferred for Catholics!).

Our relationship, our anal relationship, took a great leap forward from that moment. That night we’d discussed what had happened the night before, before we had anal sex again as I’d promised her. She wanted to know what I’d used for lube and and was amused at my improvised use for olive oil. We got into the mechanics of the act and she told me her preferred lube was vaseline, which kind of surprised me, as it seemd a bit primitive, but I think she liked the extra friction when the grinding was going on. I learned she liked to have at least 2 fingers inserted and 3 at the most were necessary to warm her up and have her anus opened up ready for penile penetration.

From then on we’d probably have anal at least twice a week. It was strange though each time she’d pretend like “oh you’re back up my arse again!” As much as she loved anal we were playing this game that she was not the instigator. We also had anal week when she had a period, which I must say I looked forward to and was very enthusastic about, and she was too but she wanted me to think it was all my idea. I didn’t mind, there didn’t seem to be a downside for me. The only thing I could say is that she was into mind games and manipulation, and this was another example of one to get what she wanted. It seemed kinky at first but she was also charging me an imaginary fee for each sexual act. It was basically 0 for her pussy, $50 for a head job and $100 for anal. I think that was her way of keeping me in her debt.

Her bipolar behaviour in the end is what drove us apart. Life of the party in public but in private utterly insecure and the lowest of lows. It was very difficult to deal with and after about 7 years I couldn’t deal with it any more. She never accused me of raping her anally, or otherwise, but in some of our heated moments she’d try to hit me and the fact that I blocked a punch with an elbow and it hurt she accused me of hitting her which of course was nonsense.

She was getting worse and melting down more frequently over the silliest of things. Take for example, one time I had to slam on the brakes in the car for for a turn that she pointed out at the last minute and while this was going on she started screaming and shreaking in my ear, maybe even grabbing me, meanwhile I have to remain calm and control a sliding vehicle (just a slight one). I told her to shut up, I may have even said STFU and with that she demanded I let her out in the middle of nowhere. However, by the time we were home it was like none of that ever happened.

I used to travel a bit with work and look forward to getting home when I was in the air, but when I got home it was like she’d saved it all up for me while I was away. There’d be make up sex, of course it was anal, and she was also agreeing to do group sex but in the end the insanity of all of it was too much. I am a happy and optimistic person by nature but I could not take any more.

When I broke up with her she promised to do anything I wanted, she even “forced” herself on me - sounds funny and ridiculous, but it was actually sad and desperate. How can you cum and still not enjoy it? Did I just give her a pity fuck? Maybe that’s what women feel sometimes, and I was just catching up.

Part 2 in response to BackDoorLover’s “receiving ATM” thread…

I think a good way to get a woman thinking about ATM is by encouraging them to rim you. My partner prided herself on her blow jobs and it started gradually, she would suck my cock and then take it out of her mouth an lick down the shaft to my balls and along my perineum. It just went from there and eventually she worked her way down to my arsehole.

I recall one time after I’d given her a good ass fucking and we’d more or less gone to sleep after and I woke up and found her prodding around my arsehole. As I recall she was spreading my butt cheeks apart and having a good look. I remembered this and I suppose this was my first indication she liked men’s arseholes, or was curious about mine.

So it didn’t take too much coaxing to get her to lick my arsehole proper. At first it was kind licking over my arsehole but it wasn’t long before she was rimming around the edge and then inserting her tongue properly in my arse. I think me giving her a few rimjobs along the way and jackhammering my tongue into her arse encourage her to reciprocate in kind. It may have also been the porn we were watching too. Rimming was the new anal. From there it was a perverted smorgasboard. I even had her sticking her nipples up there! And we’d both lick them afterwards.

It’s really only a small step, from her licking my arse, to her tasting hers. So far though, there have only been a couple of occasions of ATM. A couple of times when we were almost AO for a couple of years, where she said she’d finish me off with a headjob and I went and she wanted me to wash my cock first. Which I did of course, it’s not as dirty but it’s not something to knock back either! The more I think about it, the more I think it was the KY gel she really didn’t want in her mouth. Even if we’d used it for cunt fucking she wouldn’t suck it until I washed it off. Yet no hesitation to tast her pussy otherwise. The clues were there I just missed them all! :smile:

After a couple of children she stopped wanting to do anal. I think I’d just exploited it too much without making sure she was getting a good hard orgasm, especially those days where she’d say “just fuck my arse”. I think it was to get sex over and done with quickly - she wasn’t wrong about that though I would certainly cum faster when I was up her arse. She also said that anal gave her discomfort by meaning it made her gassy. I expect they were the kind of farts you couldn’t trust. Instead of being dry, air only, they were cum surprise farts.

A couple of times since when she has been super horny and turned on she’s let me enter her arse but taken the cock out and then sucked it and rimmed me to orgasm. She’s usually already cum after being cunt fucked, so when she starts to build towards a second orgasm she gets super lustful and that’s when I get a tiny bit of arse. Usually the head gets up there and then she takes it out and puts it in her mouth.

Recently we’ve been watching porn and she’s been making comments that look like she might be up for round 2 of anal on a frequent basis. The kids are at university now, so we run around less and she’s not always tired, which ruins a lot of stuff ! :smile:

Just the other day she said “take my bum” God I don’t know why I didn’t, I think I’d already cum and had a meeting in a few minutes, or she did - the benefits of a home office!

So my plan for “anal adventures II” are (1) to always make sure she cums when I fuck her arse, with a clit massage or make her masturbate while I fuck her up the arse and teach her to spread her pussy open for viewing pleasure, both hers and mine (2) no KY gel, a good deep throat before insertion should leave enough slopping saliva over my cock to suffice for lube (or use coconut oil if really necessary) (3) once she has cum, which should be triple the intensity of any orgams she’s had before, she practices her ATM skills (4) promise to never cum in her arse again and always in her mouth. She seems to prefer this anyway, she can either swallow it if she’s really horny, or spit it out in the bathroom. She’s willing to swallow and even show me her clean mouth after she’s swallowed the cum. Usually by request.

If I can pull this off it will be the best thing. She’s been very recpetive to horny suggestions recently and I even woke up one day to find her grinding on top of me with her pussy, in the future hopefully it’s ATM!


Wow… That’s quite a story! And welcome, btw!


Welcome, @Pleasurist, and no joke about blurting out your life story!

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That is to say, feel free to tell us as much as you like, but if you do it in a more structured and concise manner, it’ll be easier to follow your story and reply with pertinent info if you have any questions.


Thank you for your biography! You are very welcome to our forum. Join in and have fun. If you have any questions there will normally be somebody about to help you out.

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That quote is my story. :sweat_smile:


I’d originally tried to use the quote attribution marker but I just couldn’t get it to work. I figured you’d recognise it anyway. I needed the quote to give context to the reply.