How i got here. :)

I was asked to post my story here :slight_smile: so i started doing anal in college. But i got 100% anal only this year. I met my friend in a swingers club. I was there with another guy but after some time we build somekind of regular relationship. Now i’m divorcing my husband so i can see my friend more often and we have time to try out new things :slight_smile:


Thank you for sharing!
I’m wondering: Did lack of anal sex or bad sex cause the divorce? You wouldn’t be the first …

Sometimes sexual insatiafaction can lead to these situations.

I won’t judge what you are looking for in a relation ship, as nowadays I don’t find a real advantage for marriage aside from legal things.

If a good sexual partner is what you are looking for in a relationship, then I wish you the vest of lucks!

(My main drive would be true love, but sex is also something I wouldn’t ignore).

I had love and good sex(really good sometimes) with my husband. But i decided to do a lot more and more kinky before i get old. Thats why i made this decission. I may sound like a nymphomaniac but i like the role of a sextoy… now i can do it a lot more with my friend. He has a lot of ideas and a great drive for kinky stuff.

So your husband was too vanilla for your liking ?

As someone representing “older” in this group, you can still enjoy anal sex and kink in your older years. Don’t rule out having fun and plenty of anal sex in your “senior” years! While the image of geezers having anal sex may induce projectile vomiting among the younger members of this group, it should be comforting to know you can enjoy anal and kink later in life.


I might not be one the youngest in this forum, but being in my thirties, I find the idea wonderful people are still having fun even in old age :slight_smile:


Yes, i think i just needed more.

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