For the men: big tits or pretty round ass?

Me, I have always been an ass man.

So I loved a woman with a well shaped, yummy ass. I love big tits too, but if she had small tits and a perfect ass, it was great.

If she had great tits and a flat or a not good looking ass, it was a no for me.

Nowadays I am lucky enough to have a hottie in my life with amazing DD tits and a perfect heartshaped ass.

How are other men regarding to this ? What is more important, eastetically ?

For me, it’s not about who has the biggest x.

For me, women are like sculptures, like pieces of art: there’s no better one, just different ones. And each of all of them have their own unique features.

Of course, there a women which at least physically I would consider “ugly”, but for the rest, I appreciate every single one of their features, of their curves and imperfections.

Sometimes rhey look good with small tits and natural/big butt. Sometimes she looks cute with big (but not huge) tits and a natural butt. Skinny curves may look great, and other times even chubby captivates me.

And of course, I appreciate them with how they are (probably the reason I haven’t found her yet).

But if I had to choose: neither. I’d stick with medium, natural and smooth thights.

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Since this is an anal centered site, I suspect the reactions may be skewed. Count me as one. The Gunman makes a great point in that there are so many different kinds of butts and I do appreciate most of them.
Many flat chested women feel like they’ve been cheated and I know several that have lower self esteem because of this. If they only knew that many men do not care and if you have a half way decent butt, and a good attitude, that is what is important.

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At first, I thought I’d just not say anything, but … it seems the majority of the guys who have commented feel big boobs are the only option for a chest to be beautiful?
I’ve had the pleasure of being with a number of women, with breasts of all sizes, and I enjoyed all of them.
Perhaps I have/had the most fun with medium to small breasts.

There was one example of “too small” I remember, but that wasn’t because I didn’t like the look / feel but because I was worried about her. Turned out she had an eating disorder.

A nice butt is always super fun, too, but most important is sexual chemistry and personal compatibility. There’s no wrong size.

No, I just said that I appreciate all body shapes, sizes and colors. Women are bautiful, and the same way there aren’t two equal pieces of art, there aren’t two that are the same.

I try to not discriminate by looks and acknowledge the person inside, and I may even change preferences on how they look but never on how they are.

Preferences and discrimination have nothing in common at all.

For example: I knew for a fact I would never have a relationship with a black girl. Why ? Because I preffer white girls. Has nothing to do with discrimination, cause I would gladly talk to the black girl, know her and respect her. I just never feel attraction towards them.

My attraction starts with my eyes. I need to like what I see first. That, and only that, can be the start of a relationship. I once was interested in a girl. Talked to her, drove my moped to her place. Suddenly I saw her light a sigaret and POOF, just like that my attraction was gone.

So I need to see a pretty face, a good figure and a nice ass to even get interested. Furthermore I can’t deal with empty heads at all. Basic intelligence is mandatory.

A woman who refuses to dress in a skintight, short dress, every now and then: a no go.

A woman who act all weird about personal nudity (yes I had one of those): big turnoff

A woman who doesn’t like to suck cock… really, I’m gone !

A woman who doesn’t like that I’m circumsized. Please look for an uncut man. I can’t, and even wouldn’t, regrow my forskin.

My preference includes neither big tits nor big round ass. I’ve always preferred women with athletic builds… some might say on the thick side. Mrs Colt was an athlete and has a slightly thick, athletic build. When she was younger, her tits looked smaller. As she’s aged, they appear to be a bit bigger but they don’t sag as much as can occur in older women. The sexiest thing about her is the fact we’ve been together and in love for 40+ years. My anal queen has the perfect body for my preference and taste.

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I have no opinion ona preference.i have enjoyed the company of a variety of body sizes, ethnicities, etc. I find the attraction to the personalities is most important. I guess my one non-preference would be that I hate fake boobs. Never seen a set that looked or felt natural - ever.

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The ass is important to me, round and meaty. Big tits, not so much, but big hard nipples I like.

gunman said it beautifully.

It’s like picking a favorite color, or song. I just can’t chose one…

I wish to see a woman with big, juicy ass, natural or not, and with a completely absence of boobs. Just because I haven’t seen that before :joy::partying_face:

I like super skinny, flat tiny asses, big bbl asses, “thick” women, athletic women, women who smoke sigs, women who don’t.

Thrash, goth, bimbo, barbie. List goes on lol

Small-medium boobs and a small-medium apple ass for me. And puffy nips drive me nuts! This is a rarity but I’ve found it with redheads more so, which is also a major turn on :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’m only a C cup but my tits are perky enough to give a decent tit wank. My ex loved big boobs and offered to pay for me to get a boob job. I was 16 at the time and am pretty sure that would be illegal! He became my ex that night! I like my boobs and other than him, never had any complaints. My ass is nice and round and perfect for burying one’s face into or a big target to slap while its getting railed. My best feature according to my boyfriend, is my ass. He has good taste!

@AbbiT05 “only” a C cup ? C cup is a very decent size. My first wife was A cup and her sis AA. They both got boobjobs. My ex to C cups and her sis to D.

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For me, any size would do. I tend not to be picky because it’s already hard enough to find a partner, let alone trying to find one with specific features.

Also, I appreciate all sizes and shapes because I really like to contemplate and appreciate women. They are beautiful.


I am an arse and leg man, always have been. Although I must say, large enough tits to sway slightly with each anal thrust is a huge turn on! I call it anal tit sway.

As for very large tits I often find them a turn off, it’s quality not quantity I’m after :grinning: That said, the qualities I’m looking for may vary from others and I probably couldn’t even define it completely, because I like variety too. I do like seeing some good stiff nipple especially during anal.


A bit of insight: my gf had her boobs done. They got saggy from breastfeeding so she first did a lift. That made them much smaller so now she has 450 cc implants and her boobs look amazingly beautifull.

I really hope she will go topless on our honeymoon.

She did a belly tuck after the first booblift. Mummy makeover. They took away her execive belly skin, that was cause by her first pregnancy, and made her belly nice and flat.

Last year she then did a combination of lipocuction of her back, with the fat inserted into her asscheeks. A BBL. This surgury improved her - already good looking - body to a level I am extremely happy with. Her ass got rounder, her waiste got smaller, her hipline is now very smooth.

She now has the most sexy body a woman her age can have.