Female nullofication

I find the idea of genital mutilation of pussies extremely arousing. I have seen some stuff on reddit. But do any of you know about more content on this?

The more over the borderline into the anal / oral only life, and the more clit/vagina denial there is, the more I like it.

My view on the matter is the mutilation is never a good thing.

That being said. On the old forum there is a woman who did clit removal.

I think this question would better fit the Porn category, wouldn’t it?

We can discuss it here, but if you’re asking for content, that’d no longer be a topic for General

As for the subject, meh. If there’s a medicinal reason, sure, but cutting off working parts of your body … I don’t like it. I’m not a fan of male circumcision either.
Plus, when it comes to denial, if I no longer have the OPTION of doing something, it’s hardly denial, is it?

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WTF Nobody is mutilating my genital region. I am anal only now and loving it but I want to have children to my vagina and clitoras will be getting attention although my ass will also! It may take a while to get used to it.