My husband and I had been Anal Only for several years and encountered the community through Reddit, I’d been chatting with a woman who was also Anal Only and she directed me to that forum. It was there I discovered Double Anal was something that could be progressed into from Anal Only.
Once when I was playing with myself in private I just had an inclination to put another dildo in my ass at the same time and I had the most intense orgasm I’d ever had up until that point and when I was done and cleaning up I was so wet I’m convinced I might have squirted, albeit a small amount, for the first time.
I then tried it with my husband, using a dildo, and we both loved it. Eventually it wasn’t enough and I wanted to try Double Anal with two cocks at least once in my life, my husband was firmly against this, he didn’t want us to have sex with another man. As a compromise we agreed if we found a transwoman we both liked that would be acceptable. I searched for one online and found one that almost fit what we were looking for.
I messaged her and we got along instantly, I explained what we were looking for and she was very interest. We went on a couple of dates to see if there was chemistry between the three of us. It soon developed that there was. We organised a day for her to come over and spend with us. We initially just had anal sex and I’d perform oral sex on the other partner, once I was loose enough we did double anal and it was so good. We all enjoyed our night together and agreed we’d do it again at some point.
After that it became infrequent and we just did double anal with a toy. It wasn’t until “No Pussy November” last year that I decided I wanted to be Double Anal Only for that month with her, we asked her to move in with us and be part of the family which she basically already was at that point. Once we got the hang of the living arrangements we were firmly in the Double Anal Only routine and when Double Anal December came around we simply didn’t stop, we just kept going right through.
I would not be interested in double anal always, I love the intimacy of just my cock in her ass too much.
But some day, inspired by what I read on the forum, I started shoving my thumb up her asshole, while my cock was already is. And she loved it. She loved the extra stretch it gave her.
So later I moved on to a small dildo, which attaches to my cock with a cockring. Tried to assfuck her with the dildo attached, but it didn’t work that well. So next I first just put my cock in and next the dildo. This worked very well. The dildo stayed in place while I fucked her and she loved the extra filled feeling.
This triggered the thought that I wanted to put a dildo in her ass, the size of my cock, accompanied by my cock. Meanwhile she got fascinated by seeing clips of women assfucking a suctioncup dildo. So we went out do buy one the thickness of my cock, but longer and with a suction cup.
We’ve only done double anal with it once, and it was very special. While trying different approaches, I found out what worked best. Putting the dildo in her ass first and then shove in my cock above the dilde. When it happened, to strech her asshole enough to get my cock in, it felt so amazing for the both of us. She moaned so loud that I know for sure not to do it when her kids are in the house
Reading that you can pass two penisses through the anus and knowing that the anus can stretch enough to allow a raccoon to pass, would it be possible to literally go “balls-in”? It may be like those “for the photo” moments (no, don’t send me the pic if you ever try it. Remember that I’m in pornography abstinence).
I had nearly a month of only 1 cock in my ass but Friday got me back into enjoying double anal. When the second cock went in, it took my breath away. It was heaven. I’m a big fan of double anal. During the week my boyfriend satisfies me so much but the weekend id double anal time and I love it. I have trust in my sex partners and respect is so important among each member of our little group. We are all anal fans and the other 2 girls are huge fans of double anal. We make it fun and enjoyable for each other!
It was curiosity. When my boyfriend and I decided on AO, we joined another couple, the female is a friend of mine who also started their anal journey. We both enjoyed double penetration so it seemed the next step. Then another couple joined us and that made things even better. We are not having anyone else though!!
The 4 of us had enjoyed anal periodically but following our chats and reading the old anal only site, we decided to try AO. The advice we received gave us the confidence to go for it plus when we added a third couple who were also in the contemplative phase of their AO journey, things seemed to work well and ‘fall into place’!
Lol yes, did it once, more for fun than anything else. Our men struggled to position themselves to be able to do it but we succeeded. Only managed to keep going for about 5 minutes but its another little tick off my list!
Have you managed to try triple anal? Who encouraged you to try AO?
I do Triple Anal semi regularly. We’ve a trans partner and she has a friend who joins in our fun every so often. It takes a lot of prep, both physically and mentally, for me to be able to do it. We need to set aside the whole day and I have to build up and finally I need to huff poppers to loosen my asshole enough to take three cocks. I basically have to let myself be used once we start, there’s no backing out I just have to go through with it until everyone has orgasmed inside me. By the end I’m always sexually broken and can’t do anything but lay there. I could never be Triple Anal Only, it’s too much I’d be totally overloaded and wouldn’t be able to function.
Nobody encouraged me, I’m one of those people who inadvertently became Anal Only without knowing it was a thing. I started having anal sex with my husband and overtime came to prefer it and gradually phased out vaginal sex. One day we just went straight to anal sex and that was that, we’ve never went back.
I enjoyed triple anal (sort of)! Feeling 3 cocks inside me was special. Mmmm poppers. Haven’t had those in ages lol. I just relaxed as the cocks went in one by one. One of the men has a huge cock so he went in first then the other 2 squeezed in around him. I prefer my mouth to be full of cum rather than my ass and I got my wish. My 2 friends agreed that I could have their men’s gift. The following week, my friend tried TA and she was able to take them in easier than me. She is a proper anal pro!
I didn’t use poppers until the second time, the first time we tried Triple Anal I just could get naturally loose enough so we ended up doing double anal with oral and they’d take turns on me. The friend of our trans partner she brought them the second time and it changed the whole experience for me, I was able to do things previously I didn’t think were possible like Triple Anal and anal fisting.
Nnnnnnnnnrgh. I’m happy to hear you had a good time, and at the risk of being a party pooper re: poppers: They’re generally not recommended by health experts. Jack Morrin’s Anal Pleasure and Health gives a great, unbiased summary on their use:
VOLATILE NITRITES (POPPERS). For many decades, volatile nitrites have
been used medically for the relief of chest pain. Pharmaceutically produced
amyl-nitrite (the prototype of this group of drugs) comes in capsules covered
with a fabric webbing. To use, one crushes a capsule and inhales the fumes.
The sound of the capsule breaking has resulted in the nickname “poppers” for
all volatile nitrite liquids, whether or not they are packaged in breakable
Inhaling the fumes of poppers causes blood vessels to dilate, which in turn
triggers a rapid drop in blood pressure, followed by a dramatic increase in
heart rate as the body attempts to stabilize blood pressure. Within a few
seconds of inhalation the person experiences a “rush,” which devotees say
enhances the intensity of orgasm and causes a brief sense of abandon during
dancing or sex. The entire experience lasts less than a couple of minutes.
Some people claim that inhaling poppers helps the anal muscles to relax and
therefore makes it easier to receive a finger, object, or penis into the anus and
rectum. It has been known since the late 1920s that volatile nitrites actually
do have a mild antispasmodic effect on the gastrointestinal tract (Holmes &
Dresser, 1928). Poppers can also enhance relaxation by providing a feeling of
flushed sensation all over the body, which may increase desire for anal
stimulation or divert one’s attention from worrying about it.
Many people feel anything but wild abandon when they inhale poppers.
Instead they feel scared and even panicky as their bodies react to the
disequilibrium caused by the drug. And because volatile nitrites are the
shortest-acting of all recreational drugs, many users inhale them repeatedly in
the course of a sexual encounter. Used this way, poppers not only become
decreasingly effective but may also trigger headaches and depression. These
effects are undoubtedly exacerbated by impurities of poppers produced in
unregulated, often makeshift labs; you never know exactly what you’re
getting. Many experienced users seek to minimize negative effects by
limiting popper use to one or a few high points during sex-such as just before
orgasm. As with all drugs, an inability to restrain usage, despite negative
consequences, is a sign of dependency."
Double anal is very much an acquired taste. I love it. It took a few trial with my boyfriend and a dildo before doing it for real I love the idea of Double Anal December!! ATM April would be a great idea if I didn’t already do it lol. The feeling of being stuffed with 2 cocks is a feeling unlike anything else. I tried Triple Anal once and it was fun but not an everyday activity lol. I’m lucky to have uber sexy friends who I trust and share my love for anal.