Doing accidently sexy stuff

I don’t know if this will trigger people to post. But I, for starters, want to tell a story in which my girlfriend did something very sexy, but unaware.

So we all know an iPhone these days makes some pretty quality pictures. Some nice day my girlfriend went to the tanning salon to get into a tanbed. While she was in there she took a pic of her feet, put in on her insta story with some one liner. Just the stuff people do.

I then took a screenhot of her insta story, blew up the pic and in the high gloss backplate, I could see her pussy in detail. I send her the enlarged pic and she took it off. I think it was one there for only 30 mins.

But she was totally unaware how much she was showing. It was kinda cute. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Accidentally did something like that with a picture to Mr. Firefly. He wasn’t complaining. :grin:

And according to him, me existing is accidentally sexy. :roll_eyes::rofl:

You mean like the time my ex boyfriend put his cock in my ass ‘by mistake’! If only he knew what he created!!