Anal sex with an internal camera

I’ve watched a few of vaginal sex for comparison and yeah anal sex looks way better, a vagina just looks…ugly by comparison.

I’m curious what double and triple anal look like now. :joy:


It certainly doesn’t feel the same but never thought that a camera angle like that was a thing!!

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I would call this one of those things you would do “in the name of science”. I don’t think it was that comfortable, but more interesting than an live MRI.


I don’t watch porn, but in the name of science I watched this. Not quite what I expected! Rather surprising, actually. Almost wish I could watch it with a proctologist… Then for contrast looked up a camera in vagina one. Also somewhat surprising, as I heard the pelvic floor muscles there described like a hallway… Didn’t expect it to look that way quite so literally…

And that was my unexpected and weird educational experience of the week!

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Now that was interesting. I watched the vagina one for comparison as well. As for the respective textures, it was pretty much what I expected from how they feel on one’s fingers. I did not expect the vagina to be that much more … spacious, or the sphincter to cling that tightly to the penis.

One thing I wonder about though: Do you guys and gals prefer the, well, shallow anal penetration we see in the video as well? I personally like to go as deep as I can.

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My ass sometimes feels spacious when I’ve had it full then they pull out at the same time! I love when a cock goes balls deep in my ass. It makes me tingle all over. Haven’t managed to get 2 cocks balls deep in my ass yet but that’s something to aim for!!

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So I’m not the only one that thought looked shallow! I like it deep. It’s why I think once I’ve reached my stretch goals, I might start looking into depth play.


I have to penetrate her as deep as possible. It feels better for both of us. It bothers me whenever I see shallow penetration in porn. MUST. GO. BALLS. DEEP!


This video kinda bothers me cause I keep thinking “push that cock all the way in, you idiot” :man_facepalming:t2:

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Totally agree! I hate porn where the guy barely penetrates the woman’s ass.

She seems keen, her pussy juices are dripping!

She’s actually quite sexy but the internal camera is interesting but not really arousing, but I could see a good use for this for classroom demonstrations at a training school.

Butt this video of hers is much hotter! Horny Sexy Bitch Fucks Taxi Driver Big Dick Rips her Asshole in Car JessiJek -