Anal in the wild - everyday things that remind you of anal 😆

Do you ever see normal things in life as you go about your day that remind you of anal in some way? A tree knot, a disfigured vegetable, whatever. When SpaceX first tested the water deluge system, I instantly thought it looked like a butthole :joy:


:joy::rofl: our dog has one of those Kong treat toys and I swear every time I see it I think it looks like a big anal bead style butt plug.

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Some years ago, I think it was in Paris, they had a giant “abstract” christmas tree that looked 100% like a plug as well, and everyone thought so, too!

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Ha! There are sooo many dog toys that could double as sex toys. Interesting fact: when I first made my “Triple Dip” plug, I was calling it a “Kong” plug. I changed the name before I received a letter from them :joy:

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I remember that, and there was a lot of controversy over it lol. There is also a statue in NL of Santa holding a butt plug!


This is funny. It’s a doorstop. :sweat_smile::rofl:


Reminders of anal are everywhere during Christmas… whoever invented the original shape of the Christmas light bulb was definitely an anal enthusiast.



I bet she has a huge grin on her face!

Yeah, and she also has a huge thing in her …

I could feel his cock disappearing into my ass


That’s literally one of the granite cocks Ginsberg was writing about.

Alternatively: Cock so big you need an elevator to deliver the cum.

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Lol My buddy Cory has a nice 9 inch cock. It depicts his yummy cock although its rare that his cock is in my ass on its own!

I’ve seen that, it’s in Rotterdam. We passed it on our way to Witte de Withstraat for lunch.

Knowing looks and giggles were had.


Great minds think alike! We are on the same page :laughing:

This “christmas tree” looks like someone would want it in her/his ass :sweat_smile::point_up:t2:


Oh wow, yes please although would need to go easy with that one!

They nailed it, even the base looks like it would vibrate!