Admin of the old site finally gives sign of life

Hey people, the admin of the old site is okay and posted in the “shit has hit the fan” thread that he’s not giving up on the firum, but has some serious technical issues to keep it spam free.

Yeah seems like it… so the old forum would not get lost! Great news!

Now the obvious question is What to do with this site we have put up together? Should I let it run? Or should I just delete it? Or use it for some other purpose?

I vote it stays, as a moderator of the old site I have felt overwhelmed with the amount of work it took to stay on top of spam. This seems like a more flexible set up with better security. At worst we have 2 AOL forums which is a good thing.

I agree. Even the admin says the spam on the old forum is not under control. So at this point there no security it will not get drowned in spam, some day. This one could be a backup. You know, like the couples do with insta pages that hold too much sexy pics :crazy_face: